Monday, September 10, 2012



We all want the same thing even if we don't say it out loud. We have the urge to be and the need to be wanted. What's so wrong with that? Knowing that there is someone that would love to see you before the day ends or that wants to hear your voice before they head off somewhere is something magical. I do mean magical because it gives us some type of fullfilment. Nobody likes to be rejected and everyone loves to be wanted.
 There is someone out there who is going to want you no matter what. Someone who will dislike you for a moment but then realize that they can't go a day without talking or being next to you. Do you believe that there is someone out there? Well, just think of it as this. . .There is probably someone out there wishing they had someone that wanted them to want them. Am I making any sense? Just believe it that one day that person will walk into your life and you'll be happy even if it is just for a little bit. . you would know that it is possible.

We all want to be wanted.

A hopeless romantic

Hello there

Well, hello there.

 I can honestly say that I have not really blogged before but I am giving this a shot. There are so many things that I would love to shout out to the world but what if people don't wanna listen? Here I am though. . shouting it out to the world!

 I'm here to tell you that there is such a thing as fate and yes everything does happen for a reason. There are certain things that happen in life that gets us wondering if it's just a coincidence? No, it is not just a coinsidence. It is fate my dear friends. If a minute had passed by, do you really think that everything would've turned out the same? Consider a car accident, something irrelivent to love still involves fate. Now, bring relationships and that special person into the picture. How can fate have nothing to do with it? If someone is supposed to be in your life even for five minutes, it will happen. The handsome teller at the bank that you could not get your eyes off of or that adorable waitress at the coffee shop you couldn't stop admiring. They were in your life, there's a inprint in your mind from them. Maybe, you don't remember at all what they looked like or remember you were even there. Fate made that happen, even though you guys didn't say anything really important to each other. It happened and it is gonna keep happening with even more important people in your life.

I may be rambling on about it but it's such a strong subject to me when there are others that are so dismissive to such an idea as fate. This blog was not just myself being bored and wanting to express my thoughts but maybe someone somewhere feels the same way and needed a little reminder. Ever think about your actions in that way? Tomorrow is another day and I know that fate has the day planned out for all of us. Goodnight.

A hopeless romantic


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